Our pastor preached a message series titled “Lion Chaser Manifesto.” Part of this manifesto is to seek God-ordained passions and pursue a dream that’s destined to fail without God’s intervention. So, that’s my plan for this year.
First, I have to tell the world my dirty little secret. I did something I’d like to keep quiet. I dreamed a cockamamie dream. You know, the kind normal people don’t air amongst themselves. Like if I was trying out for the NBA. At five foot nothing, I’d keep that experience to myself to insulate against criticism. Like, “Brittni, have you ever even played basketball before?” or “Oh, I didn’t know you were a fan of the game.” (Which by the way, I’m not.)
So here goes. I wrote a book. Well, it’s almost finished. I know it’s crazy. But now my secret is out on the World Wide Web. For all the world to see and snicker. There’s more. I’m going to try to get it published.
You see, that’s my dream. And it’s destined to fail without God’s intervention. I have done enough research to know that what I’m setting out to do isn’t likely. Maybe it’s impossible. That’s where God comes in. Because I feel this narrative is one that other’s need to hear. One that testifies to God’s restorative power.
I decided to make this blog a journal of the process. It’ll be the record of one woman’s struggle to bring a message to the world. Okay, that’s a little overly dramatic, but you get the idea. Of course, as a mom I’ll have to throw in a little family life anecdotal stuff along the way.
Here’s to chasing the lion.
Praying along the way with regardding the book and life in general!
ReplyDeleteJanie, thanks!