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Friday, September 3, 2010

What I'm Reading: The Falling Away

The Falling Away by T.L. Hines is the story of a man who is no stranger to darkness. As he runs away from the demons that haunt him, he collides with a force that enables him to go on the offense.

Hines weaves an interesting story. The characters are likeable and make the book a good read. Best of all, Hines wastes no time with flowery descriptions and so the tightly written book hits the ground at full steam and finishes the same.

The undercurrent of the supernatural in this book is a great addition. It keeps the reader slightly off-balance and makes it impossible to guess what is coming next. Another plus, the supernatural involvement never crosses the line into “scary.” As a result, the reader can enjoy this book snuggled under the covers at bedtime without risking nightmares. In this reader’s opinion, however, Hines’s interpretation of spiritual activity should be considered, but not accepted as gospel.

As a whole, Hines’s writing style and plot line excel. This reader enjoyed each page and never skipped ahead from disinterest. The Falling Away is a book readers will want to recommend to a friend.