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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Easy Asian Chicken and Pasta

I've had a request for some easy recipes and this is one of the easiest. Plus, It's tasty. It was featured on some time back.

Asian Chicken and Pasta


  1. Anothrer REALLY easy recipe. This one for desert or snack.....
    add 1 cup peanut butter
    1 cup sugar
    1 egg
    Mix these WELL
    roll into 1/2"balls
    place on cookie sheet gently "smash" with fork in both directions to make "hash" marks on top
    Cook 8-12 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

    Yes... that is all the ingredients, no flour, no vanilla, nohing, just pb, sugar, egg.

  2. OK... Here is another quick/easy recipe from a friend of mine in Va. I have not tried it, but she made it for Valentine's Day and it was a HUGE hit!

    Mix a chocolate cake mix with a diet coke and cook it, no eggs or oil,nothing. Then frost it. Sharon used sugar free cherry pie filling over light whip cream.
