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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pirate Tharsday

We've been holding Pirate Th-ar-sday in homeschool the last few weeks. (We were inspired by the book we've been reading: Treasure Island.) It gives us something to look forward to and a chance to sneak in learning while the boys think we're just having fun. We've been covering famous pirates (like Blackbeard) and their routes. We've studied the Jolly Roger and the various symbols. We've even incorporated math into Pirate Tharsday with some fun worksheets and activities.

I planned to have a pirate treasure hunt at the end of our unit on pirates (sometime next month), since we live near the beach and... well, who really needs another reason to dig up treasure? Then, I realized next month our beach will be invaded by the spring breakers who are great for our local economy and bad for everything else. (Especially bad for sanity when you're attempting to drive in spring break traffic and even worse for trying to teach your young boys that modesty is important.) Anyway, due to the spring break situation, our treasure hunt got moved forward significantly! Here's how it went.

This is said treasure. Complete with gold-covered chocolate coins, stickers, and chocolate crabs, of course.

The boys discover that the rolled up paper I've been carrying around is actually a treasure map.

Find that treasure!

Ahoy matey! It be pirate treasure.

Think you might like to hold your own Pirate Tharsday? Here are the resources we've been enjoying.
1. Free Lapbooking templates:

2. Dividing into equal sets:

3. Blackbeard information:

4. Juice box pirate ships:

5. The Pirate's Handbook by Margarette Lincoln (This was very helpful and informative!)

6. Treasure Island by Angela Wilkes (A retelling of Treasure Island for grade 3)

7. How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long

8. Backbeard: Pirate for Hire by Matthew McElligot (This book was funny!)

9. Cute and easy pirate craft:

10. Pirate treasure map:

11. Don't forget your own treasure hunt. We painted a shoe box black and filled it with little treats. Don't live near the beach? Distract your kids and have someone bury the booty on your next trip to the neighborhood park. Don't forget a treasure map! (If you have multiple children, this is a good way to practice math skills since they'll have to divide their treasure!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Heavy Load

Several years ago I was startled by television coverage of the scene following a suicide bombing in Israel. The camera panned over a group of people who were wailing out their hurt as tears plowed down their faces. It echoed scenes from Biblical times where those who were mourning ripped their over-clothes and covered themselves with ashes.

Although such behaviors seem strange, the pain behind the actions still resonate with those who have experienced the searing knife of grief. Perhaps the odd behavior is actually in smiling when one does not feel happy. In masking sorrow behind easily exchanged platitudes. In asking how someone is and hoping they will not answer honestly.

The Bible offers hope to those laboring under a mound of grief, regardless of how they choose to demonstrate it. Matthew 11:28 addresses the soul-weariness that accompanies sorrow. Jesus says, in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Have some grief, sadness, or burdens you're carrying? Be reassured—you aren’t alone. Join with me in allowing Jesus to fulfill the promise He made. I could use some heavenly rest. How about you?

Just for fun, here's a song by John Schlitt (who was the lead singer for Petra). This is an oldie (my kids would consider the '90's ancient) but it speaks to this topic and it makes me smile, so here it is: