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Friday, March 30, 2012

Floodgates of Heaven

If you recall, in my last entry, Doors and Windows, I explained that our attempt to adopt through foster care had led to a closed door. I expressed my hope that when God closes a door He really does open a window of opportunity.

Just a few short days after writing the entry, God opened a door we were not expecting. More accurately, He threw open the floodgates of heaven.

Here’s the news: Our family will be adding a new member in October. We’re having a baby! He has granted us the desire of our heart and has not withheld the request of our lips!! (Psalms 21:2)

Still waiting on the Lord to bring you to the next point in your journey? One of the things that stick out to me from the Psalms is that God hears our prayers. (Ps 34:15, Ps 10:17, Ps 145:19—just to list a few.) Be confident in this: God hears the prayers of His people. In other words, He hears when we pray, cry, whisper, scream, laugh, or talk to Him. He does not turn a deaf ear to His children.

Keep pursuing Him. May He bring us all into the fullness of His presence.

*All babies are a reason to rejoice, but if you’re wondering at the story surrounding this one, here’s a link to a very brief snapshot of our journey the last couple of years.*