Ever heard the saying, “When God closes a door, He opens a window?” I’m believing that’s true!
One of the biggest struggles I’ve faced since we started discussing adoption is how to know we’re following God’s will. I had to learn to trust that He wouldn’t let us make a mistake. I still haven’t mastered that yet—but I have found He is faithful to keep us from paths that aren’t of His choosing.
Unfortunately, sometimes that also means I am kept from pursuing the paths of my choosing—and while I know that is best in the long run, it still can be hard to accept.
That’s a pretty long and rambling introduction, isn’t it? Well, here’s the short version: since we began our foster to adopt journey, our local agency is no longer looking for foster to adopt homes. They are seeking foster families only. Although a foster situation could eventually lead to an adoption, we decided at the outset that fostering wasn’t an option for our family at this point.
What now? I have no idea. We’re just continuing to trust that God has a plan and that He’s going to point us in the right direction at the right time.